Open Access Week 2010 – spread the word!

Open Access Week 2010 is just around the corner. Taking place between 18th-24th Oct, this global event aims to open the public’s eyes to the benefits of open access in scholarly publishing and its impact on scientific progress across disciplines and society as a whole.

BioMed Central will join in the Open Access Week celebrations due to take place across the 69 countries now registered on the Ning  network.

Scheduled events include: Maximize the impact of your research – a lecture meeting, celebrating the 3rd anniversary of Otaru University of Commerce Repository (Japan) and Putting the Wisconsin Idea Online at the University of Wisconsin (USA) a seminar on the boundary-spanning implications of the internet

Open Access Week organizers, SPARC, have also set a global challenge in the run up to the week, asking the research community to report on the power of open access. Upload your stories, videos, blog posts or more to the Open Access Week website and show the world how OA has helped you to advance your research.
If you want to participate, the Open Access Directory (OAD) will provide a comprehensive database of all events running throughout the week. Event organizers can enter their details directly and share them with others, in true open access spirit.

It is encouraging to see so many developing countries participating in Open Access Week this year. To help increase awareness of open access in low-income nations, BioMed Central is hosting a two-day conference in Kenya to coincide with a sponsored shipment of refurbished PCs to Kenyatta University.

As always we will be attending the Berlin 8 Conference next month to discuss progress strategies, best practices, and future challenges for open access.

Our mascot, Gulliver, the open access turtle will be kept busy as he travels with us to conferences and visits universities, libraries and labs all over the world in a bid to bring research out of its shell.

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