Monthly Archives: March 2017

You are what you eat… and drink

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With the abundance of new findings on the effects of various foods on our health, how shall we select the best quality evidence and recommendations to follow? Here, we summarize recent studies published in BMC Medicine, which provide evidence on the effects of various nutritional modifications on health outcomes.

Brain Awareness Week 2017 Quiz


Brain Awareness Week is a worldwide campaign to improve public awareness of what is being done in brain research, and how this will benefit us. BioMed Central is proud to present this quiz on neuroanatomy; how much do you know about the architecture of your brain?


Making Headway with Traumatic Brain Injury


The brain is one of the most complex organs in the human body, controlling everything from the way we think and behave to how we move. Brain injury can have far-reaching consequences, but around the world millions of researchers are working to stop it in its tracks. In support of Brain Awareness Week (BAW), the ISRCTN registry is taking a look at some of the latest clinical trials making headway on limiting the damage of brain damage.


Using EEG to identify attention disorders


Attention disorders are prevalent in 5% of the total population and are commonly diagnosed on the basis of a patient’s clinical history and an examination aided by symptom check sheets. A new study published in BMC Medicine finds that EEGs (electroencephalograms) can reliably detect specific brain differences associated with attentional disorders that are not observed in control subjects. Here to tell us more is lead author of the study, Frank Duffy.