Monthly Archives: September 2016

Injured Olympian or weekend warrior, you can’t rush a return to sports


Overuse injuries such as stress fractures occur along a spectrum of severity which can make standardizing their treatment a challenge. Published as part of the Injuries in sport thematic series in the Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery, Dr. Timothy L. Miller’s article ‘Taking a Holistic Approach to Managing Difficult Stress Fractures’ provides an overview of the key points required for evaluating and treating athletes with these injuries. Here he tells us more about his article and looks back at injuries in the recent Olympic Games.


Streamlining research with your choice of outcome measurement instrument

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The need for establishing core outcome sets for use in clinical trials is becoming well defined though special attention should be given to the instruments used for measuring these outcomes. Here, Cecilia Prinsen and Lidwine Mokkink, members of the COSMIN Steering Committee, discuss the implications and importance of a new consensus based guideline for selecting outcome measurement instruments, which published today in Trials.

Medical Evidence Medicine