Highlights from the EBPOM 2012 congress published

Based on transcripts from the 11th Congress in Evidence Based Perioperative Medicine (2012) presentations held in London, this recently launched article collection is a selection of the highlights from last July.

Evidence Based Perioperative Medicine (EBPOM.org) is a not for profit project with the key objective of supporting the assessment, discussion and application of evidence based medicine to perioperative care. The Congress in Evidence Based Perioperative Medicine is an annual 2-day meeting which provides a forum for research development, the practical acquisition of essential skills and dissemination of evidence based perioperative knowledge.

Editors-in-Chief, Monty Mythen and Mark Hamilton, co-chair the Evidence-Based Perioperative Medicine (EBPOM) series of conferences, along with several internationally renowned Editorial Board members.

Articles launched in the series include a commentary from Dr Bruce Campbell which describes the process of obtaining NICE Medical Technologies guidance including a recent example of the CardioQ technology; a systematic review from Biccard and Rodseth identifying independent intraoperative predictors of adverse cardiac events in patients undergoing non-cardiac surgery; and a review of the latest evidence suggesting delivery of plasma, red blood cell and platelet ratios of 1:1:1 could be the best substitution for fresh whole blood.

Perioperative Medicine is a new open access journal which publishes articles in all areas relevant to perioperative care and medicine of surgical patients from any healthcare professional. Visit the website to sign-up for article alerts and more information.

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