Medscape develops Continuing Medical Education based on open access research articles

Several open access articles published by BioMed Central have recently been used by Medscape to produce Continuing Medical Education (CME) material.  These articles span a broad range of specialties, including general practice, psychiatry, surgery, endocrinology, and preventive medicine. 

is wonderful to see open access research being used in this way to
create CME. A key advantage of open access is the opportunity it
provides to reuse published research to educate researchers, clinicians
and the general public. BioMed Central is planning increased activity
in the area of medical education over the coming months. We are working
with Medscape to increase the number of CME activities created from
BioMed Central articles, including the use of case reports from the Journal of Medical Case Reports. The latest journal metrics also show that BMC Medical Education
is rapidly establishing a reputation for itself in this field, and we
hope to build on the success of this journal. Lastly, plans are being
developed for a new Journal of Clinical Education Resources, scheduled to launch in the first half of 2008.

Melissa Norton MD
BMC-series Editor-in-Chief 

List of Medscape CME based on BioMed Central articles

Journal Article-based CME
BMC Psychiatry Attitudes to Antipsychotic Drugs and Their Side 
Harm Reduction Journal A review of the evidence for the effectiveness of primary prevention interventions for Hepatitis C among injecting drug users
BMC Public Health Racial/Ethnic and social class differences in preventive care practices among persons with diabetes 
BMC Surgery Diagnostic value of blood inflammatory markers for detection of acute appendicitis in children
Health and Quality of Life Outcomes Which
health-related quality of life score? A comparision of alternative
utility measures in patients with Type 2 diabetes in the ADVANCE trial.
BMC Family Practice

of life and metabolic status in mildly depressed patients with Type 2
diabetes treated wth paroxetine: A double-blind randomised placebo
controlled 6-month trial


Update: May 6th 2008

An up to date list of CME items based on BioMed Central open access content is now available from the MEDSCAPE website. 

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