Monthly Archives: April 2017

Vasalgel™ as a promising new male contraceptive – you asked, we answered


A recent study on the benefits of Vasalgel™ as a promising new form of male contraceptive, published in Basic and Clinical Andrology, has had a tremendous global impact, leaving many wondering about the human implications of the treatment. To address the thousands of reader queries received, I asked Elaine Lissner, co-author of the Vasalgel study and founder of the Parsemus Foundation, a few of the top questions we received from around the world.

Péter Sárosi on the struggle to fund harm reduction in Hungary


Following a workshop in Budapest on how to secure sustainable funding for harm reduction in Central and Eastern Europe, Jeffrey Lazarus has been speaking with participants about what is working in their countries. The resulting interviews are part of the European Joint Action on HIV and Co-infection Prevention and Harm Reduction (HA-REACT)First is an interview with Péter Sárosi, executive director of the Rights Reporter Foundation, discussing funding for harm reduction in Hungary in the context of the country’s commitment to harm reduction targets approved in the “Global Health Sector Strategy on viral hepatitis 2016-2021” and the subsequent “Action Plan for health sector response to viral hepatitis in the WHO European Union”.