8th ASICON – Mumbai-India, 30 Oct.-1 Nov 2015
The 8th National Conference of AIDS Society of India (ASICON) a relevant scientific meeting and an occasion to celebrate Indian heroes fighting against AIDS/HIV .
The 8th National Conference of AIDS Society of India (ASICON) a relevant scientific meeting and an occasion to celebrate Indian heroes fighting against AIDS/HIV .
Following on from Emma Saxon’s blog post introducing BMC Biology’s series on the importance of well-designed figures for reproducibility, here Emma and Graham Bell discuss the comments they’ve received from readers of the series.
If PCR was in molecular biology the invention of the 20th century, genome editing tools are the invention of the 21st. This month Genome Biology takes a closer look at this promising but still very young technology.
Genome Biology has published work investigating the causes of fertility problems, and finds the earliest known human embryonic lethality phenotype with a known genetic cause. Here to answer our questions on the research is co-author Fowzan Alkuraya.
The official conference of the Chinese Society for Microbiology was held in Yichang in the late fall. Attracting more than 1000 microbiologists, BioMed Central’s Kun Yu and Karen Cheng talk about the discussions held at the conference.