Monthly Archives: May 2015

BSP Spring meeting 2015- from the inside


Last month Liverpool hosted the British Society for Parasitology’s (BSP) 53rd annual spring meeting. Having enjoyed and previously reviewed several of the BSPs meetings in Bugbitten, this year I decided to volunteer as a helper at the meeting and also help organise the infamous Young Parasitologists’ Party (YPP). So here’s what happened- from a slightly different… Read more »


Neglected Tropical Diseases- to elimination and beyond!


“Neglected Tropical Diseases”, a term now so commonly used, was first coined at the WHO Berlin meeting in 2005. On this 10th anniversary, the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine launched its extended Neglected Tropical Diseases programme, at the University of Liverpool’s Victoria Gallery & Museum. The LSTM’s Director Professor Janet Hemingway CBE opened the event,… Read more »

Biology Developing World Health Medicine