Monthly Archives: April 2023

Highlights of the BMC Series – March 2023


What can a sub-tropical frog from India can teach us about regenerative medicine? How do family caregivers of patients seeking for assisted dying feel about institutional barriers to euthanasia? Can glaucoma detection be improved using wavelet image scattering? How effective are cognitive behavioural therapy-based interventions for maternal perinatal depression? How much do young people know about reusable period products?

What makes a fighting fish fight?


Game theory is a mathematical framework used in economics to understand how  a contestant’s strategy in a competition over resources is determined by rational decisions regarding the strategy of opponents. Over the last century since game theory was first developed in mathematical language, it has been adapted for evolutionary and animal behavior contexts, and tested… Read more »

If we don’t ask….

Approximately 20% of women experience symptoms of depression, anxiety, and other mental health problems during pregnancy or in the year after birth. Guidelines recommend asking all women about their mental health during routine antenatal and postpartum care, but these questions are not always asked. A new paper in BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth looks at why, and the first author of the paper discusses their findings in this blog post.