Monthly Archives: March 2017

Nuclear-mitochondrial mismatch: Divergent evolution and the safety of mitochondrial replacement therapy

The introduction of mitochondrial replacement therapy holds considerable promise for preventing transmission of mitochondrial genetic disease from mother to child. However, evolutionary biologists and animal studies have raised concerns regarding potential incompatibility of mitochondrial and nuclear genomes which have evolved in divergent human populations. A research article recently published in BMC Genomics provides new insight into the implications of human evolution and admixture for mitochondrial replacement therapy.

BMC Ecology Image Competition Announcement 2017


We are delighted to announce that the 5th annual BMC Ecology image competition launches today! We are calling for ecologists around the world to submit their images. We created the competition as a chance for ecologists to share their research and photographic skills, and celebrate the intersection of art and science. The four previous competitions (the overall… Read more »

Self-injury: Breaking down the myths

Self-injury (aka non-suicidal self-injury) is when somebody intentionally damages or injures their body. Today, March 1st, is Self-injury Awareness Day (SIAD). This annual event is an opportunity to raise awareness about self-injury and self-harm, and to break down the common stereotypes surrounding them. Here we discuss a few of the most common myths surrounding self-injury and self-harm.