Monthly Archives: October 2018

Martin Jones talks citizen science ahead of SpotOn 18


Designing programs to interpret images is so complicated that for many tasks, humans still outperform machines. To keep up with the tide of images produced by science we need a lot of people, this is where citizen science comes into play. Ahead of his talk at this year’s SpotOn conference, Martin Jones tells about the need for involving non-specialist volunteers in science and his own citizen science project: Etch a Cell.

In Review: a new way to open up the submissions and peer review process

In review pic

A manuscript is much more than words on paper. Painstakingly drafted, fuelled by coffee over long nights, then (constructively) dismantled by colleagues, re-drafted several times, and finally, assembled into something you’re proud of. It is the culmination of months or years of hard work, and could potentially lead to recognition for you and your whole…