Introducing the Open Data Award

In recognition of the fact that science publishing now goes beyond the traditional journal article, we have teamed up with Microsoft Research and Panton Principles to introduce the Open Data Award as part of our 4th Annual Research Awards. Data sharing, its preservation and re-use, is an increasingly important part of the research and publication process. But there are many challenges associated with openly sharing scientific data, particularly when sharing goes against cultural or community norms. 

The Open Data Award celebrates researchers who have published in any of our 207 journals during 2009 and have demonstrated leadership in the sharing, standardization, publication, or re-use of biomedical research data.

We are honoured that Peter Murray-Rust, Cameron Neylon, Rufus Pollock and John Wilbanks of Panton Principles, along with Lee Dirks of Microsoft Research, have agreed to judge the awards along with our in-house Editor, Iain Hrynaszkiewicz, Managing Editor of our special medical journals.

The shortlist will be announced in the coming weeks and the winner will be revealed at the awards ceremony on Thursday, 10 June in London.

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