BMC-series hits the headlines

The BMC-series dominated the news in the past month. Research ranging from walking bats to the age-prioritized use of antivirals during an influenza pandemic proved to be popular stories in the international media.

A BMC Infectious Diseases article in which researchers warned that antiviral drugs ‘should not be wasted on the elderly’ was featured in Pulse. In other medical news, Nursing Times covered a BMC Medicine article which showed that blood transfusions are often associated with infection in heart bypass patients. Meanwhile research in BMC Neurology demonstrating that the misdiagnosis of disorders of consciousness still is commonplace appeared in New Scientist and The Economist.

Last week a study published in BMC Biology which found that the popular insect repellent deet is neurotoxic obtained coverage on NHS Choices and BBC News. In the same week research published in BMC Evolutionary Biology about bats that walk was covered in National Geographic in their August edition.

In the 15 August edition of Science News, research from BMC Genomics and BMC Evolutionary Biology were both featured in an article about the healing properties of snake venom. Meanwhile, another BMC Genomics study in which the authors mapped the saltwater crocodile genome appeared in Scientific American and GenomeWeb.

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