BioMed Central journals in the news

BioMed Central’s journals have
dominated the media in the last two months. Research ranging from glowing fish
to a comparison of commercial weight loss programmes all proved to be popular
stories in the news around the world.
In August, a BMC Psychiatry article about the link between severe
acute maternal stress and the development of schizophrenia captured the media’s
attention with coverage in the Jerusalem Post, Scientific American and New Scientist. Then
Respiratory Research’s article about early life
environment and snoring gained considerable interest including Nursing in Practice, Channel 4 News and The Scotsman.
Research published in BMC Cancer exploring adverse
life events as a contributing factor in the development of breast cancer also
attracted the media’s attention, including stories on the BBC, The Washington Post and Reuters.

An article from Genome Biology detailing new software called Proteopedia
made news in the computing world with coverage in IT News and
BMC Public Health’s study detailing how the health of Afghan children
is being jeopardised by
family behaviours was highlighted in China Daily, The Tehran Times and US Daily. A
report in
BMC Ecology about
wolves’ preference for salmon made international headlines with articles in
National Geographic, The Daily Telegraph, Ottawa Citizen and Science Now.

In early September, research from Nutrition Journal comparing various commercial weight
loss programs was featured in The Independent, The Strait Times and the American Chronicle. A study about a potential urine-based
test for BSE published in Proteome Science also made
the news in Canada, the US and the UK, including Forbes, The Globe and Mail and Farming UK. A study published in BMC
which found that a sports cheat drug has positive effects on memory
was highlighted on Yahoo! Health and United Emirates Daily News.

Just last week, another article from BMC Ecology regarding
the recent discovery that certain fish omit a red fluorescent light as a
signalling system proved to be popular worldwide with coverage in
Science News, The Australian, The Discovery Channel and Spiegel Online.   

A comprehensive list of media
coverage for BioMed Central’s journals can be found here. This coverage is an
indication of the high-quality research published by BioMed Central.

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