Dr. Peter Dynoodt completed his PhD work within the Dermatology Research Unit at the University of Ghent, Belgium. Afterwards, he joined the SYS-MEL Consortium on a Marie-Curie Fellowship at OncoMark in Dublin, aiming to develop next generation prognostic/predictive biomarker assays for the clinical management of melanoma. Currently, he is a Product Development Scientist in OncoMark focusing on the development of a novel prognostic assay containing a multi-biomarker panel of Master Transcription Regulators (MTRs) involved during early stage breast cancer.
https://www.oncomark.com/Dr. Jasper Wouters is a postdoctoral scientist at VIB-KU Leuven Center for Brain & Disease Research with a particular interest in the epigenomic plasticity in cancer (ORCID 0000-0002-7129-2990). He studied Bio-engineering in Cellular & Genetic Biotechnology at the University of Leuven (Belgium), where he graduated with a Masters in 2008. After his PhD in Medical Sciences, studying the potential involvement of cancer stem cells in melanoma, he joined the SYS-MEL Consortium on a Marie-Curie Fellowship at OncoMark/UCD in Dublin. Currently he is a postdoc in the lab of Stein Aerts at VIB, funded by a fellowship from Kom op Tegen Kanker.