Celebrating simulation in Saudi: Research abstracts from the 3rd national conference


We are pleased to publish the Proceedings of the Saudi Health Simulation Conference (SHSC) 2018. The Conference is an initiative of the Saudi Ministry of Health and the founding committee of the Saudi Simulation Society in Healthcare.

Our professional society, SESAM is a partner of the SHSC 2018. Although this is the 3rd conference, it is the first time we have published their selected research abstracts.

Saudi Arabia has a population of approximately 29 million and has a healthcare workforce of about 248,000. Most entry level health professional education takes place in university settings, while speciality medical training is carried by academic hospitals under the direction of the Saudi Commission for Health Specialties (SCFHS).

Although healthcare simulation has a relatively recent history in Saudi, the commitment to using simulation in many facets of quality care is compelling and evidenced by the research abstracts. Of the 27 abstracts, all but one has a strong Saudi author/research team. Where there are research partners, they are from either Canada or the United States.

One abstract is from Jordan and explores the role of simulation in healthcare evidenced through published works. The works cross levels of experience from student, trainee to professional status and target several professions including nursing, dentistry, medicine, surgery and complementary therapy.

Simulation modalities are also diverse (e.g. role-play, task trainers, manikins, virtual reality etc.) and while most abstracts focus on individuals’ development of knowledge, attitudes and skills, others are inter-professional addressing collaborative, communication and other teamwork skills. There are also examples of using simulation at a systems level to promote the highest quality healthcare and an example of simulation testing a newly commissioned work space (e.g. Emergency department).

Finally, the career pathways of simulation technologists are also considered. We congratulate our simulation colleagues in Saudi on their achievements and celebrate their work in this supplement.

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Ajlan Alshehri

Great coference moving saudi health to safe training by comptent simulation specialist.

Debra Nestel

I was very impressed with the conference, with the patient safety focus and the many applications of simulation in this process. The in-conference innovations also added some extra interest – the competitive spirit in moulage and simulation technologists expedience in setting up a sim!

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