'Lewy body dementia' – special series call for submissions

Alzheimer’s Research & Therapy is now accepting research submissions for consideration in a special series on Lewy body dementia, planned for publication in mid-2014.

The publication of these articles will be co-ordinated with a series of commissioned reviews and opinions, guest edited by co-Series Editors Prof Ian McKeith (Newcastle University, UK) and Prof James Galvin (NYU, USA), and written by leaders in the field including John O’Brien (Cambridge University, UK), Brit Mollenhauer (Paracelsus Elena Klinik, Germany) and Glenda Halliday (Neuroscience Research Australia).

File:Lewy bodies (alpha synuclein inclusions).svgLewy body dementia (LBD) is the second most frequent cause of dementia after Alzheimer’s disease, affecting approximately 4 million people globally. LBD consists of two related syndromes: dementia with lewy bodies (DLB) and Parkinson’s disease dementia (PDD). Both syndromes have largely overlapping features and pathologies.

This special series in Alzheimer’s Research & Therapy takes a translational view of LBD from bedside to bench and back. We welcome research manuscripts to accompany a series of articles that review clinical and cognitive characteristics, prodromal states, synuclein biology and genetics, biomarkers, impact of the disease on patients and caregivers and the role of advocacy groups to raise awareness.

The deadline for submissions is 30th April 2014. Please submit online and indicate in your covering letter that you would like the article to be considered for the Lewy body dementia series.

If you would like to enquire about the suitability of a study for consideration, please email editorial@alzres.com.

Benefits of publishing in Alzheimer’s Research & Therapy include:

  • Impact Factor of 4.39 ranks the journal as the leading Alzheimer’s-disease specific journal in the neurosciences field (Journal Citation Reports)
  • Rapid peer–review (first decision provided within 6 weeks)
  • Immediate publication on acceptance, no color figure charges or space limits and unlimited global accessibility and high visibility for your research that open access publishing provides
  • Inclusion in PubMed and PubMed Central and indexed in Web of Science database/Science citation index Expanded (SciSearch)

For further information about the journal, please visit the website, or contact us for enquiries about the special series.

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