The longest running international conference on dementia, hosted by Alzheimer’s Disease International (ADI), is taking place on 7 – 10 March in London, UK.
ADI is the federation of 76 national Alzheimer associations, raising global awareness about Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias, exchanging information between the associations and advocating on behalf of people with dementia and their families towards international organizations like UN and WHO.
BioMed Central’s Alzheimer’s Research & Therapy journal is proud to have members of its Editorial Board on the ADI medical and scientific advisory panel. The panel provides expert advice and acts as international ambassadors for ADI.
Science, Fact, Fiction is the theme of the 27th International Conference of ADI. These ‘three conferences in one’ are brought together through exciting debates that concern not only scientists and researchers, but policy makers, people living with dementia, informal and professional carers and all Alzheimer association staff and volunteers alike.
Alzheimer’s Research & Therapy is excited to be attending the ADI annual conference and hopes to see you there.