As our understanding of the biological complexity of human health and disease increases, so does the
excitement that is generated by the potential applications of genomics in
clinical practice.
The delivery of personalized medicine will depend on the
advancement of technology, addressing the major social, ethical and legal
issues surrounding the use of genomic information and technologies in medicine,
the globalization of medical science through bio banks and increased scientific
collaborations, and just as importantly, open access to published research.
At the European Society of Human Genetics meeting earlier
this month, BioMed Central announced that our new premier medical journal Genome Medicine, is now accepting submissions.
The journal is the sister to the well-established and successful journal, Genome Biology.
Genome Medicine is an
online peer-reviewed journal that will publish open access research articles of
outstanding quality in all areas of medicine studied from a genomic or
post-genomic perspective. The journal will have a special focus on the latest
technologies and findings that impact on the understanding and management of
human health and disease.
In addition to publishing
high-quality research, Genome Medicine will serve the international
research community as a forum for the discussion and critical review of
information about all areas of medicine informed by genomic research.
Genome Medicine will
focus on the following areas:
- Significant advances in the understanding of
the genetics, genomics, and epigenetics of disease - Computational and systems approaches,
including proteomics, metabolomics and transcriptomics, to the
understanding and management of disease - Genomic epidemiology and public health
genomics - The application of genomic and post-genomic
technologies to clinical practice, with special emphasis on diagnostics
and therapeutics - Personalized medicine
- Ethical, social and legal issues relating to
genomic medicine and personalized medicine
Genome Medicine will publish
its first articles in January 2009 and will be indexed/tracked/covered by
PubMed, Scopus, Google Scholar and other indexing services.
Submit your outstanding research now and take advantage of the rapid, high-quality peer review service,
high visibility, as well as immediate and free access to all research papers.