The EQUATOR Network, an international initiative that aims to improve the reliability of scientific publications by promoting transparent and accurate reporting of health research, is holding its launch meeting in London, UK on Thursday 26th June 2008.
Despite the efforts of researchers, editors and peer reviewers, some published studies are poorly reported. The use of reporting guidelines can lead to the improved accuracy and transparency of publications and several internationally recognized guidelines (e.g. CONSORT, STARD) have been developed through a collaboration of experts, methodologists and journal editors. But they are still not widely used by researchers or supported by many medical journals.
The aim of the meeting, ‘Achieving transparency in reporting health research,’ is to aid better understanding of problems associated with health research reporting and use of reporting guidelines. It will discuss potential solutions that can lead to the improvement of the health research literature.
The meeting contributors
include Professor Doug Altman (University of Oxford), a key member of the
CONSORT group and co-Editor-in-Chief of Trials, BioMed Central’s journal dedicated to investigating all aspects of the design, performance, and findings of
randomized controlled trials relating to healthcare.
BioMed Central and its journals have long-supported initiatives aimed at improving the reporting of biomedical research and the relevant BioMed Central journals can be found on the growing list of CONSORT endorsers.