Monthly Archives: November 2019

Doing research with those who use it

Metal Wheel Concept

Research co-production – sometimes referred to by such terms as participatory research, engaged scholarship, collaborative research, and integrated knowledge translation – is about conducting research with those who would use it. A new BMC cross-journal collection considers some of the key issues currently facing the science and practice of research partnerships and identifies elements of a research agenda for research co-production. Here, the organizers share an overview of this special collection.

All together to end COPD


COPD is a largely preventable disease, but relatively unknown – not just in the general public, but also among people at risk. The theme of the World COPD Day 2019 is ‘All Together to End COPD’. Patients, families, clinicians, and researchers in the COPD community are essential: only through sharing our knowledge and experiences can we raise awareness about COPD and how to end it.

What vaccination means for mankind: Insights from the Vaxvox launch meeting

OHP VAXVOX stills15

The One Health Platform organized a one-day meeting at the Natural History Museum of Berlin in Germany, which served as the formal launch of VAXVOX – Science talks. VAXVOX is a reference network of vaccination advocates whose aim is to communicate pro-actively about vaccines, and serve as a point of contact for people outside the scientific community.