Monthly Archives: April 2016

Is technology and adventure therapy the new prescription for depression?

mountain climbing

Current treatments for depression are often seen as inadequate, either in terms of accessibility or effectiveness. But what could the next step be for treatment? Research published today in Pilot and Feasibility Studies evaluated what barriers could impact the use of behavioral activation programs for major depressive disorders and here, co-author Dr Zainab Samaan discusses what this might mean for future research and practice.

Policy, politics and providers


Jan Foster writes here about the complicated maze of policy changes for the NHS, and asks the Director of Policy and Strategy at the NHS Providers about how they help to implement new policies and support their members.

UNGASS 2016 commentary series: a historic opportunity for international drug policy reform?


In 2014, Harm Reduction Journal published an article that examined the legal compatibility of Mexico’s ‘ley de nacromenudeo‘ drug policy reform in the context of broader changes occurring within international drug policy. With a United Nations General Assembly Special Session (UNGASS) on the world drug problem set to take place in just a few days, co-author Timothy Mackey and Meredith Meacham explain why now is a crucial time to fundamentally rethink the future of global governance for drug policy.