Monthly Archives: June 2014

Are your sunglasses really protecting your eyes from UV?


Happy sunglasses day! Not usually the highlight of the year, but sunglasses deserve this day of celebration. Our favourite shades make us instantly photogenic (please see ridiculously cool dog photo on the right) and, most importantly, they protect our eyes from the sun’s ultraviolet (UV) radiation. Sunlight is Earth’s primary source of energy and UV… Read more »


Quality of anti-malarials is on the radar

Quality vs. Fraud

New open access database puts quality of anti-malarials on the map Everyone has the right to safe, affordable, effective, and quality medicines. However, many are being denied this right. Over the last decade there has been a renewed focus on the importance of drug quality. Government bodies have been found guilty of slacking in their… Read more »

Solving the human resources for health crisis: research to inform policy in Africa

This is a guest post by Esmé Lanktree* of the Global Health Research Initiative, and supplement editor of Human Resources for Health’s latest supplement. Although there is widespread recognition of the human resources for health crisis in sub-Saharan Africa, there are different approaches to address it. Research allows us to test these approaches, to make better-informed… Read more »

Do we need a red card for alcohol advertising in football?

Alcohol advertising Warsaw

With the World Cup kicking off today, it’s time to brace ourselves for the highs and lows of a month of football. But disappointment may not be the only danger for fans as the tournament gets underway. In this guest post, Dr Jean Adams, a Senior Lecturer in Public Health at Newcastle University, UK, tells… Read more »


What is needed to create a tobacco-free world?

Child with cigarette

Abstracts from the latest conference of the International Society for the Prevention of Tobacco Induced Diseases (ISPTID) were published in a supplement for Tobacco Induced Diseases last Friday. The key message of the conference? Education is vital in preventing children and teenagers from becoming the next generation of smokers. Tobacco is the single most preventable… Read more »