Paul Borm from Zuyd University in The Netherlands
has recently been appointed Editor-in-Chief of Particle & Fibre Toxicology. Prof Borm has served as Deputy Editor since the journal’s
launch in 2004 and has contributed to some of the most highly
accessed articles published in the journal. Our sincere thanks go to Ken
Donaldson who recently stepped down as Editor-in-Chief and whose contributions
to the journal in its early years have helped the journal in building its
reputation within its field.
In a recent Editorial, Prof Borm summarises some of the journal’s successes to date and looks
towards future directions for Particle & Fibre Toxicology. Of note,
Prof Borm comments on the journal’s high citation rate, with over 250 citations to
the first 40 articles published in the journal. The journal is also expanding
its scope to include articles on areas such as
biomaterials, drug delivery and imaging in an effort to bridge the
gap between classic particle toxicology and these areas. Further details of the journal’s scope are
available from the journal website.
Particle & Fibre Toxicology
has published a number of important articles concerning the effects of nanomaterials
and combustion nanoparticles. Most
recently two articles concerning the effect on diesel exhaust particles on the brain
and prenatal
development gained widespread coverage in the media and both articles
have been highly accessed.