editorial just published in Environmental
Health reflects on the first five years of publication and looks ahead
to the future.
In just five years, Philippe Grandjean and David Ozonoff
have steered the journal on a successful path and the journal has built a
strong reputation in its field as a home for environmental health research. Enviromental
Health was also recently accepted for indexing by Thomson Scientific and is
on course to receive its first impact factor.
Publishing ethics are an important issue for the
Editors-in-Chief of any biomedical journal and the Editors of Environmental
Health have taken steps to address this. Anthony Robbins has been appointed
Ombudsman for the journal to act impartially in any cases of dispute between
authors and Editors. In addition, the
Editors are planning to provide full details of any competing interests they may
have on the Editorial Board listings for their journal, ensuring transparency.
article also reviews and lays out some of the journal policies and describes
certain key issues in publishing such as the use of digital technologies and
open access; please click
here to read the full article.