An event to celebrate the launch of Flavour – a new journal from BioMed Central


BioMed Central is collaborating with the London Gastronomy Seminars and the Centre for the Study of the
, University of London, to host
an evening exploring how flavour shapes our world.

Flavour and the New Nordic Cuisine is a seminar to celebrate the launch of Flavour,
a new interdisciplinary journal from BioMed Central covering the
psychophysical, psychological and chemical aspects of eating food, as mediated
through all the senses. Flavour publishes peer-reviewed research on all aspects of eating food including
contributions from neuroscience, genetics, psychology and sensory science.  

Flavour encourages
contributions not only from the academic community but also from the growing
number of chefs and other food professionals who are introducing science into
their kitchens, often in collaboration with academic research groups.

Speakers Per Møller, Ole Mouritsen and Lars Williams will discuss how we
perceive taste and flavour, whilst describing new food and
flavourings developed by Noma and the Nordic Food
the New Nordic Cuisine. 

Flavour and the New Nordic Cuisine is at 6.30 pm on Wednesday 28th March 2012
at Senate House, University of London, U.K. For further information and to
purchase tickets, visit the London Gastronomy Seminars website.

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One Comment

ping wei

It is so intersting and I would like to hear and learn smoething about the aspects on taste and flavour of the food we eat.
Thank you!

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