The Genome Biology 10th birthday special issue

Genome Biology, which has been proudly publishing some of the most exciting research from all areas of genomics for the past 10 years, celebrates its birthday this year. To mark this, we have commissioned a series of reviews from areas of particular interest in the genomics field and from scientists who have helped shape these fields over the last decade.

As such, this month’s issue of Genome Biology contains more than the usual research highlights, reviews and cutting edge scientific research. This month you will also find an editorial from Editor Clare Garvey on ‘A decade and genome of change’, in which Clare discusses the humble beginnings of Genome Biology. First published in 2000, the same year as the Human Genome Project and the Celera Genomics Corporation announced their completion of the first draft of the human genome, Genome Biology was the first open access genomics journal. It is perhaps therefore quite appropriate that the ever-entertaining Greg Petsko, who has written a regular column for Genome Biology since our very first issue, aptly titles his column this month ‘And they said it wouldn’t last…’.

The special collection of reviews that are published in the May issue of Genome Biology includes perspective pieces from several of our Editorial Board Members and long-term supporters of the journal, including Steven Salzberg from the University of Maryland, who writes on the issue of the true human gene count, and Elaine Mardis from Washington University School of Medicine, who writes on the insights that can be gained from cancer re-sequencing. This special collection also includes a review from Lincoln Stein who is the Director of the Informatics and Biocomputing Platform at the Ontario Institute for Cancer Research. He discusses the use of cloud computing for analysing large-scale biological datasets and the contentious issue of data storage that face the genomics community.

We hope you will enjoy this special collection of articles we have put together to celebrate Genome Biology’s 10th birthday. Thank you for supporting the journal for the past 10 years; we look forward to bringing you the best in genomics research for the next 10 years and beyond. 

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