Monthly Archives: January 2019

Highlights of the BMC series: December 2018


Celebrating Human Rights Day • Do opioid treatment policies prevent opioid-related hospital readmissions? • A new self-assessment tool for cancer patients with chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy • Does caregiving make baby boomer women depressed? • Thematic series on Advanced Biofuels for CO2 Mitigation • Image of the month

Succeeding as a woman in biomedical engineering


Being a woman in engineering is not straightforward. To shine some light on some of the hurdles women face whilst building a career in bioengineering, we recently interviewed BMC Biomedical Engineering Editorial Advisor, Prof Chae-OK Yun about her experience as a female biomedical engineer in Korea, China and the US. Prof Yun shares insights into her daily working life, the difficulties she had to overcome during her early steps and provides advice for your young women aspiring to become engineers.