2014 was a great year for sport. Key events took place throughout the year in all areas, from the long-established FIFA World Cup to the World Weightlifting Championship in November.
The Commonwealth Games saw 71 nations come together in Glasgow whilst London hosted the first ever Invictus Games with over 400 competitors from 13 nations. There really was an event for everyone.
It was also a great year for BMC Sports Science, Medicine and Rehabilitation which, with an internationally renowned editorial board at its core, has continued to grow since successfully incorporating with the journal Sports Medicine, Arthroscopy, Rehabilitation, Therapy & Technology in 2013.
We saw some of our most highly accessed articles focus on games this year. This article by Constantine Poulos and colleagues looked at the perceptions of professional soccer players on the risk of injury from playing on natural grass and 3rd generation artificial turf, whilst Andrew Greene and colleagues took a biomechanical approach to games and looked at the effect of external ankle support on the kinematics and kinetics of the lower limb during a side step cutting task in netballers.
BMC SSMR featured in several blogs this year including in this post on breakingmuscle.com where the work of Marc Jones and colleagues on creatine kinase responses in professional rugby union players was highlighted.
Towards the end of 2014, Executive Editor for BMC SSMR Clare Partridge attended the BASES conference which took place at the prestigious St. George’s Park. Hosted at the English Football Association’s national football centre, this friendly and lively conference saw experts from all areas of sports science come together with debates and sessions spanning the topics of public health, psychology, biomechanics, physiology and nutrition. We look forward to attending again in the future.
Over all it’s been a great year and with all the sporting success of 2014, both on the field and on paper, BMC SSMR looks forward to a strong and victorious 2015!
