In March of next year BMC Sports Science, Medicine and Rehabilitation (BMC SSMR) will be two years old. Since successfully incorporating with the journal Sports Medicine, Arthroscopy, Rehabilitation, Therapy & Technology (SMARRT) in 2013, BMC SSMR is growing and attracting new research covering a broad and comprehensive range of areas in sports science and medicine, covering all aspects of sports medicine and the exercise sciences, including rehabilitation, traumatology, cardiology, physiology, nutrition and regenerative medicine.
Led by a team of internationally renowned Section and Associate Editors the journal has seen the publication of highly accessed articles, with topics ranging from ankle sprains to high-intensity intermittent efforts critical for performance in team sports.

Earlier this year, Professor Antonio Ignacio Cuesta-Vargas, Chair in Physiotherapy at the University of Málaga and Section Editor for the Exercise and Health section, attended the XX Congress of the International Society of Electrophysiology and Kinesiology held in the beautiful city of Rome.
This year’s congress brought together a multidisciplinary cross section of delegates from basic scientists to practicing clinicians specializing in human movement and the neuromuscular system. The scientific program was extensive and broad and included interesting clinical and applied workshops such as one entitled ‘Movement analysis with wearable inertial sensors: stepping into the clinics and sports’ chaired by Ugo Della Croce and Andrea Cereatti. This workshop discussed current methods to help bridge the use of wearable inertial/magnetic sensors from research into routine clinical, sport or even consumer applications.
Professor Cuesta-Vargas represented BMC SSMR with his attendance and had the pleasure of meeting with delegates to discuss the latest developments in the field and shared our future plans for the journal.

BMC SSMR will be back out on the road again later this year, as we are attending the BASES conference in November held at the prestigious and state-of-the-art St George’s Park. We welcome the chance to meet and discuss the journal with readers, researchers and authors alike. If you would like to arrange a meeting with the Executive Editor, please do get in touch with us.
However, we are always on hand to answer any queries you may have, so if you are interested in submitting your research to BMC SSMR, or have any general feedback that you would like to share with us, please contact the Executive Editor Clare Partridge, who will be happy to assist.