Monthly Archives: February 2014

BMC Medical Imaging at the European Congress of Radiology 2014

Since 1967, The European Congress of Radiology (ECR) has continued to evolve and grow in stature.  Now considered one of the largest radiological meetings in Europe, the ECR attracts more than 20,000 participants from over 100 countries. Boasting an impressive scientific and educational programme that includes over 300 sessions,  1,500 oral scientific presentations and around… Read more »

BMC Obesity launches today

ppt logo

We are delighted to announce that the newest addition to the BMC series – BMC Obesity, launches today. Tackling obesity is no small task and preventative treatment and managing the condition costs billions of pounds a year. Obesity is one of the major risk factors for many serious conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, stroke,… Read more »

BMC Sports Science, Medicine, and Rehabilitation at the Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine Conference 2014

BMC Sports Science, Medicine, and Rehabilitation will be attending the 9th national Conference on Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine that will be held  at the Hallam Conference Centre in  London on February 18th and 19th. The conference will bring together experts in injury prevention, management, and rehabilitation, as well as diagnosis and assessment in sports medicine…. Read more »

Bionanomaterials special series: call for papers


Far from being the stuff of “gray-goo” doomsday nightmares, bionanotechnology is finding reliable and safe solutions to big problems at the small scale, in a diversity of disciplines across medicine, immunology, microbiology, and more. To reflect this, the BMC-series is showcasing the latest advances in this emerging field in a new article collection, to be… Read more »

Thank you from the BMC-series

Thank you

The BMC-series acknowledges the valuable work undertaken by referees in the peer review process. You may have noticed that journals in the BMC-series have recently each started to publish a Reviewer Acknowledgement article thanking all of the reviewers that have given their time to assist the journal during 2013. This is the second year that… Read more »

Invasion of the cannibal ladybirds!!!

Cannibal harlequin adult

Given the severe ecological and economic damage caused by invasive species, identifying what makes some species such effective invaders is of paramount importance. Research published in BMC Evolutionary Biology suggests a new factor in the make-up of a successful invasive species: cannibalism. The invaders Invasive species are one of the biggest problems facing the world’s… Read more »

Highlights of the BMC-series: January 2014


Soccer tackles male obesity • Selection or infection? • Aspiring for a healthier baby • Grassland management influences biodiversity • Life cycle of a parasitic sea anemone • Report raises awareness about poor awareness of reporting • Notch signalling in review • Improved lung function in COPD • How to share unpublished data Health: Soccer… Read more »