As you may be aware, the BMC-series journal BMC Chemical Biology was recently integrated into BMC Biochemistry and, in order to accommodate it, a brand new Chemical Biology section was created in the journal, headed up by Dr Sabato D’Auria from the Institute of Protein Biochemistry, Naples.
The scope of the section encompasses the application of chemistry to the investigation of biological process and systems, including the biosynthesis and metabolism of natural compounds, drug design, and complex molecular rearrangements occurring in living systems. Dr D’Auria is also particularly interested in work detailing the design of novel biosensors. For more on this, as well as where Dr D’Auria believes the field will be going in the future, take a look at our recent interview with him.
Since it is new to the journal, we are now very interested in exploring the chemical biology field and the current state of research within it. To this end, we are today announcing a call for papers to the section. Therefore, if you have a manuscript dealing with exciting new research in the field, or detailing a new methodology, database or piece of software, then please do send it our way and we will be very happy to consider it for peer review. Like all papers published in the BMC-series your manuscript, if accepted, will be freely available for researchers across the world to see, allowing for broad dissemination of your work.
Please submit your manuscript to BMC Biochemistry, or direct pre-submission enquiries to the Executive Editor, Dr Tom Rowles.
We look forward to reading your research.