Journal clubs tweeting to success

The BMC-series is a big fan of twitter (@BMC-series) and an even bigger fan of promoting scientific discussion and debate. Virtual journal clubs allow researchers all over the world to interact using tweets to discuss articles and next week BMC Microbiology is under the spotlight!

The following guest blog from Emma Trantham invites you to participate in the Microbiology Twitter Journal Club.

“After learning about the success of #twitjc (a medical based Twitter journal club) a group of microbiologists decided to set up their own Microbiology journal club on Twitter, and so #microtwjc was born.

The club runs every other Tuesday (8pm-9pm BST) and at each session a different microbiology-related paper is discussed. (After the session a transcript of the discussion is posted so that anyone who missed it can still see what was covered.)

Anyone and everyone is welcome to join in and so we would like to invite you to the next session, on Tuesday 17th
July, 8pm BST. This week the paper is from BMC Microbiology and can be accessed here.

A paper summary and set of discussion points (along with more information about the journal club) can be found here.


If you want to join in, or just want to watch and see how the club works then you can do so using the hashtag #microtwjc. (You can follow the hashtag using the Twitter search function but other ways of following it include TweetChat and Twitterfall.) If you’re new to Twitter then you might want to check out the LSE’s excellent guide for academics ‘Using Twitter in university reasearch, teaching and impact activities

Although the club is still in its infancy we aim to cover the whole spectrum of ‘microbiology’ so if you have any suggestions for papers for future clubs then please post them here.

We look forward to seeing you on Tuesday!”

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