BioMed Central Editors at Peer Review Congress

Maria Kowalczuk and Jigisha Patel, BioMed Central’s Biology and Medical Editors will be presenting two posters at the Peer Review Congress in Chicago on 8-10 September 2013.
peer review congress logo

The International Congress on Peer Review and Biomedical Publication is held only once every four years. This year editors and publishers of biomedical and scientific journals will convene at the Swissôtel in Chicago on September 8-10, 2013.

Maria Kowalczuk, Deputy Biology Editor, will present a poster entitled “A comparison of the quality of reviewer reports from author-suggested reviewers and editor-suggested reviewers in journals operating on open or closed peer review models”. All Biology and Medical Editors took part in the research and the statistical analysis was conducted by Frank Dudbridge, academic Associate Editor for BMC Bioinformatics and a Reader in Statistical Genetics and Epidemiology at London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.

Jigisha Patel, Medical Editor, together with Elizabeth Wager (Publications Consultant) will present the poster “Use of the Anti-ghostwriting Checklist at a general medical journal: results of a pilot study” which was also done in collaboration with Iain Hrynaszkiewicz (Outreach Director, F1000).

The Congress will feature a number of sessions and posters on the issues of authorship, peer review, citations, publication bias and misconduct.

We look forward to meeting you there!

Maria Kowalczuk, Deputy Biology Editor

Jigisha Patel, Medical Editor

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