Welcoming SpringerOpen – a new series of open access journals


Springer OpenSpringer
Science+Business Media, BioMed Central’s parent company and one of the world’s largest
Scientific, Technical and Medical (STM) publishers, today announced
a significant expansion of its open access publishing activity with the launch
of SpringerOpen (www.springeropen.com),
a new series of open access journals that will span all STM disciplines. Articles
published in SpringerOpen journals will be freely and immediately
accessible online, licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License.

Central became part of Springer in 2008, and BioMed Central’s open access
publishing expertise and technology is helping Springer to launch this new
series of titles, which will extend the benefits of open access publishing to
authors and readers across all disciplines. BioMed Central’s Open Access
scheme, offered to institutions, societies, funders and
corporations, will be extended to include the SpringerOpen titles. Articles
published in SpringerOpen journals will also be sent automatically to participating
institutional repositories via BioMed Central’s automated SWORD deposit

The SpringerOpen
journals will complement Springer’s existing titles and BioMed Central’s
growing portfolio of 200+ open access journals in medicine and life
science. The first SpringerOpen journals, which will open for submissions
shortly, are:

  • Planetary Science
  • Global Energy
  • Journal of Mathematical Neuroscience
  • Health Economics Review
  • Journal of Mathematics in Industry
  • Journal of Remanufacturing
  • Environmental Sciences Europe
  • Security and Intelligence Informatics
  • Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology Express
  • Bulletin of Mathematical Sciences
  • Gold Bulletin
  • Psychology and Well-Being Research

It was
also announced
today that Springer has become a member of the Open
Access Scholarly Publisher’s Association

For the
latest news about SpringerOpen, sign up for email updates via the SpringerOpen website or follow @SpringerOpen on Twitter.

BioMed Central is hugely excited by this collaboration with our Springer colleagues, which has potential to greatly extend the success of the open access publishing model, and we look forward to supporting the ongoing development of the SpringerOpen portfolio with continued evolution and improvement of our open access publishing platform, which is rapidly becoming the preferred choice for a wide range of scholarly and society journals.

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