Many learned societies are considering the publishing strategies for their journals in the face of the squeeze on library subscriptions. Open access is an increasingly attractive option for many societies, providing a sustainable financial model for their journal, while helping to maximize the visibility of research in the field they support. BioMed Central currently has publishing partnerships with more than 30 societies which either started new open access journals or converted their previously subscription-based journals.
To ensure that societies have the facts to hand when making their decisions, BioMed Central recently hosted a workshop for a group of consultants who advise societies. The presentations from the day are now available, covering the history and current workings of open access at BioMed Central, with a focus on how we work with societies and the scenarios in which an open access business model is working well.
We plan to repeat this workshop in various formats over the coming months, so please do contact us if you are interested in attending, or pass on the details to those who might be interested.
Sarah Cooney, Director of Journal and Portfolio Development
Deborah Kahn, Publishing Director
[Trackback] La editorial en acceso abierto BioMed Central organizó recientemente un taller dirigido a consultores que asesoran a sociedades e instituciones. Las presentaciones abarcan la historia y el funcionamiento actual de BioMed Central, enfocándolas a la form…