More good news on BioMed Central's Impact Factors

Four further medical journals from the BMC series have recently been accepted for tracking by Thomson Scientific, and will receive Impact Factors in 2010. These four journals, BMC Family Practice, BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making, BMC Medical Research Methodology, and BMC Psychiatry bring to 27 the number of BMCseries journals that either have already received Impact Factors, or are being tracked for Impact Factors. 


It is clear that the BMC series is making its mark – we are consistently publishing more articles, of higher quality, than ever before.  Thomson Scientific’s recognition of four more journals is another landmark in the growth of the series. 


If you have yet to publish with the BMC series, we hope that you will take this opportunity to give it a try. If you have previously published with us, we would like to thank for your support, and we look forward to working with you again in the future!

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