IJPE now publishing with BioMed Central

Journal of Pediatric Endocrinology (IJPE)
has today begun
publishing articles with BioMed Central. The journal is the fifth
journal this year to move to our publishing platform after having previously
been hosted elsewhere. In the case of IJPE, the journal’s previous
content is currently available in its entirety on Hindawi’s site and can be
accessed here

by Professor Scott Rivkees, Director of Yale Child Health Research Center,
IJPE publishes up-to-the minute clinical, translational, and basic
research that acts as a valuable resource and forum for communication to
pediatric endocrinologists and associated societies worldwide. Commenting on the initiative behind the journal,
Professor Rivkees states:

field of Pediatric Endocrinology is as dynamic as the children we care for. Our
combined wisdom and invention comes from around the world, as no one country or
continent can unravel endocrinology’s mysteries. IJPE  is the singular
platform where we answer the global collective questions for our field."

first articles for the re-launch of the journal have been published today – Hochberg et al. explore two evolutionary
theories purported to explain the falling age of puberty over the last 130
years, and Canadas et al. present case study evidence suggesting that a
nucleotide change in the thyroid-beta recpetor gene is a causal mutation for
thyroid hormone resistance syndrome.

further information about the journal, please see Professor Rivkee’s inaugural
editorial or visit the “About” page.

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