Anders Hjern is a Professor of social epidemiology of children and youth at Karolinska Institutet and a Senior Researcher at the Centre for Health Equity Studies (CHESS) in Stockholm, Sweden. His research deals with inequities in child health and vulnerable child populations such as children in care and refugee children and youth.
Dr. Geir Gunnlaugsson his professor of global health at the University of Iceland (UI). He as a MD with post-graduate training in paediatrics (PhD) and public health (MPH) at the Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden. He has been the director for the Centre of Preventive Child Health Services in Reykjavík and the Chief Medical Officer for Iceland. Research and publications on, e.g., breastfeeding, infant and child mortality, child health and development and abuse, measles, cholera, and health systems in Iceland, Guinea-Bissau and Malawi.
David Taylor-Robinson is a Professor of Public Health and Policy at the University of Liverpool, and affiliate Professor of Child Public Health at the University of Copenhagen. He works clinically as a Consultant in Public Health at Alder Hey Children’s Hospital in Liverpool. His research aims to improve child public health and reduce inequalities. His current work focuses on understanding the causes and consequences of health inequalities in children and assessing the impact of interventions and policies to interrupt the generation of inequalities in health across the life course.
Hein Raat, MD, PhD, MBA is professor at the Dept. of Public Health of Erasmus Medical Center in Rotterdam. He obtained his Medical Degree and PhD at Free University Medical Center in Amsterdam. He is expert in programs to integrate health and social care in regions, and (E-Health) application to enhance well-being and health among high risk groups such as youth and families, frail older citizens and citizens with chronic conditions. He is project leader of the Horizon 2020 VALUECARE project ( ). He is actively engaged in exchanges between research, policy, and practice. He authored circa 250 scientific publications.
Luis Rajmil (MD, MPH, PhD), Pediatrician and specialist in Epidemiology and Public Health. Retired, he was senior researcher at the Catalan Agency for Health Quality and Assessment (AQuAS, Barcelona, Spain). His research work has been devoted to the health-related quality of life in children and adolescents, and social determinants of health and child health inequalities. He has participated in Spanish, European, and worldwide projects on these subjects. He is member of the International Society for Social Paediatrics and Child Health (ISSOP), and of the International Network for Research in Inequalities in Child Health (INRICH).
Nick Spencer is Professor Emeritus of Child Health in Warwick Medical, University of Warwick, UK.He has a long-standing interest in the social determinants of child health and has published widely around this theme including a book on ‘Poverty and Child Health’ and a book on the biopsychosocial determinants of birthweight. He was President of the International Society for Social Paediatrics and Child Health (ISSOP) from 2003 to 2018. He is co-founder and convenor of the International Network for Research in Inequalities in Child Health (INRICH).